Chanting the Chakras


June 2019
Chanting the Chakras

Chanting the Chakras

Dr. Yogrishi Vishvketu

Join Vishva-ji in a lush, outdoor space for this daily Kundalini practice, focusing on all chakras. The goal of this practice is to balance all seven major chakras. Vishva-ji recommends treating this practice like medicine or an antibiotic that you take daily. To balance all chakras, complete this practice regularly for 11 days or longer if you still feel unsettled. At the end of your 11 day cycle, continue expanding your consciousness by starting back at the first chakra daily practice. Using meditation, mantra, and pranayama, this practice will leave you feeling thoroughly balanced.

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June 03, 2024

Is there anyway all of the chants could be written out so I can make sure I am chanting the correct words? Thank you!

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