August 21, 2024
• Edited (Aug 28, 2024)

During our session, Vishvaji beautifully described the meaning of the word Ashram.  

An Ashram is not just a physical space but a place where people come together to do work—both outer and inner work. It is a sanctuary for deep personal and collective growth, a place where the attitude of humility, Seva and Oneness is the objective of the practice.

Vishvaji and Prakashiniji also explored the concept of Ashramas of Yogic Living with us, which outlines the traditional phases of life generally dedicated to particular Dharmas (duties in this context).

In modern life, we may experience these phases in different sequences, intermittently dipping into different phases, or even fusions of them. The Ashramas offer a traditional framework for understanding the different stages of life and the dharmic responsibilities we embrace at each stage.

Here’s a brief look at each:

  • Brahmacharya (Student Life): A time of dedicated learning and self-study, where one conserves energy for personal growth and spiritual development and abstains from relationship distractions.

  • Grihastha (Housedweller Life): A period of supporting familial relations, a household and material activities, where one balances worldly responsibilities and material expansion with spiritual expansion.

  • Vanaprastha (Retreating to ‘Forest’ Life): A stage of gradually withdrawing from material and family-focused services to focus on the Seva (serving) of collective wellbeing. Allowing the next generation to become independent and take care of their own material needs while transitioning to the ‘forest’ of collective wellbeing.

  • Sannyasa (Renouncing Worldly Life): A phase of internal detachment from all worldly activities, with the understanding that one will eventually lay down and everything in this Circle of Life will eventually come to an end.

These stages provide a roadmap for navigating life’s journey with purpose and balance, honoring the spiritual responsibilities that align with each phase.

It was eye-opening to discuss how these traditional concepts resonate with us within our community today, and we look forward to continuing these deep explorations and additional related topics with you.

Love and Light, authored by Prakashiniji✨️🙏