Bryarly McEachern

Oct 09 at 11:13 PM

Ah I am feeling so good after awakening pran in all directions in this class. Thank you! xo

Beautiful class, thank you Vishvaji and Salt Spring Island. : ) I enjoyed this theme very much and the gentle mix of asanas.

Jun 11 at 12:32 AM

Another beautiful class, thank you! Feels so good to wake up the body with these gentle asanas.

Jun 11 at 12:32 AM

I think it means victory or victorious

May 31 at 01:49 AM

Such a nice class to do after doing much gardening and feeling stiff. I like that it addressed all the major joints of neck, spine, hips, wrists, toes, ankles etc. I only added one pose of kapotasana (pigeon) and felt complete. Thank you Vishva-ji!

May 25 at 02:35 AM

Thank you Chetana, I enjoyed this class very much. Just the kind of grounding, opening, and self-soothing practice I needed today. xo

May 21 at 02:13 AM

Thank you Vishva-ji for this beautiful class! Lots of air cleared out of me and I feel very grounded. xox

May 16 at 12:36 AM

I very much enjoyed this beautiful class and my body feels much better. Thank you Vishva-ji!

May 14 at 12:41 AM

Sensational class!

Feb 10 at 03:56 AM

Beautiful class. I felt a lovely blissful energy flowing through me afterwards. Thank you Vishva-ji!