Lynne Burns

Aberdeen, United Kingdom

Mature Student

Akhanda Yoga Institute Thank you so much for your reply. I find myself returning to this particular practice and it is continuing to soothe me as I begin work in my garden (my sacred space) tending the plants, birds and insects who live there.Β  As well as spritual benefit my physical well being is nurtured for the tasks ahead. Sending many blessings to VishvaJi and the Akhanda Family Team.Β 

My grateful thanks VishvaJi.Β  A beautiful, beneficial practice for me and just what I need at this time of year and to prepare to enjoy the approaching Spring.Β  As a mature yoga student I found this a gentle, healing and profoundly peaceful experience. πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ»

Nov 27 at 12:41 AM

A beautiful practice to start my day as it is my 70th birthday today and it is the Full Moon here in Scotland too.Β  How wonderful is that?Β  Thank you BhashiniΒ πŸ™β€οΈ

Jul 30 at 12:36 AM

Thank you Shriman Ji again for this beautiful holistic class which complements Patanjali's teachings so well! I am feeling blessed. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, πŸ™πŸ»

Feb 24 at 02:19 AM

I love this practice. Thank you Bashini πŸ™πŸ» I have done this practice many times and it never ceases to make me feel so good and settled in my ageing body ❀️ Bless you!

Dec 07 at 05:24 AM

A wonderful new practice, just what I need this week. Thank you so much Bashini πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ. I am always happy to see more sessions with you.

Oct 11 at 02:05 AM

That was a really lovely practice. It is so good to have another video from you to add to the collection! Thank you Bashini πŸ™πŸ»

Commented on Chant Shanti Path

Jul 15 at 01:25 AM

I have been learning this wonderful chant for the past few weeks and have set the beautiful words to a melody I can memorise and repeat with ease. I find that everyday it is in my heart. I sing it most nights before I go to sleep. My little 6 year old grandson likes it too and when I sometimes put him to bed I sing it to him and he closes his eyes and has the most lovely smile on his little face. Thank you Vishva-ji πŸ™πŸ» ❀️

Jul 15 at 01:16 AM

Thank you Vishva-ji for this beautiful offering. I found this two part series particularly helpful at this moment in time for me personally. I considered myself blessed to be a part of the Akhanda family to participate in your many wonderful teachings. Namaste πŸ™πŸ» ❀️

Commented on Yoga for Neck Pain

Feb 10 at 04:18 AM

Another wonderful session - thank you so much Vishvaji - you always deliver peace and contentment - I am truly grateful. Many blessings to you. πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ