Lynne Burns

Aberdeen, United Kingdom

Mature Student


Aug 06 at 11:08 AM

Hello and Namaste
I hope you are all well at Akhanda. I wonder if you can help me with an issue with accessing recordings of the live sessions with Vishva Ji? When I try to watch the recording from 24th July I am not allowed access because of my subscription! However I am an annual member and fully paid up. Also there doesn’t seem to be the video for the Q&A/Yoga Session of the 31st July? I think both of these must be tech errors.
My gratitude for your help. I really appreciate these extra classes to practise with Vishva Ji. 🙏🏻



Jun 25 at 08:21 AM

I do have a small question also. Where can I find the recording of the Kirtan/Satsang from live from Paris last Friday? Many thanks 🙏🏻



Jun 25 at 08:12 AM

Namaste Shriman Ji
Thank you and the Akhanda Family Community Team for creating this community channel. I am in Scotland and will be forever grateful to one of my first Yoga teachers for recommending Akhanda Yoga and to purchase the Bhagavad Gita about 5 years ago before leaving our town to return to her homeland. I feel so blessed to be a part of the Akhanda Family and since becoming a member in 2020 I had no need to look further for guidance in Yogic matters. I have enjoyed so many courses, Satsangs and Sadhana’s as well as the many many holistic beautiful classes offered by Vishva Ji and all the lovely teachers with Akhanda. I am not a Yoga Teacher myself but as a mature student I have found so many life changing benefits from Vishva Ji’s teachings and met some beautiful fellow Yogis online. I don’t know if I will ever get to the Ashram in this lifetime but when I practise with Akhanda Yoga I am there by the Ganges or in the practice halls, this is the magic of Akhanda! Thank you Vishva Ji 🙏🏻.