Will Fisher


Nov 11 at 11:38 PM

We’re delighted to share that our latest group of 200-hour Yoga teacher trainees have graduated!

This transformative journey brought a group of beautiful souls from around the world together at Anand Prakash Yoga Ashram and the new Akhanda Yoga Sri Jungle Ashram in Rishikesh, where they immersed themselves in the depth of Yoga, connecting deeply with themselves and one another.

We’re incredibly proud to welcome these new Yoga teachers into our global community of over 7000 Akhanda Yoga trained Yoga Teachers!

As we celebrate these Yogis and Yoginis, we want to invite you to begin your journey with us.

Whether you're ready to deepen your practice or feel the call to teach, we invite you to join us at the Ashram for one of our upcoming world renowned 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training courses.

Upcoming Course Dates: 

18 November - 14 December, 2024

1 February - 27 February, 2025

1 October - 27 October, 2025

Beyond a Yoga teacher training, this is a unique opportunity for self-discovery, personal development, healing and your gateway to a more profound connection with Yoga in the heart of Rishikesh, India. 

>>> Click Here To Learn More <<<

Or book a Free Yoga Teacher Training Discovery Call with our dedicated program coordinator to learn more about this life-enriching program:


We're here to support you every step of the way.



Nov 07 at 10:59 PM

Live Classes November 2024

Namaste Akhanda Yoga Online Family!

We're thrilled to announce we're back with 4 beautiful live classes in the coming weeks that you won't want to miss with Dr. Yogrishi Vishvketu on Akhanda Yoga Online. Starting Monday!

November 11th | Register Now:


November 18th | Register Now:


November 25th | Register Now:


December 2nd | Register Now:


We hope you see you there 😊🙏🧡



Oct 08 at 06:31 AM

Namaste Dear Akhanda Yoga Online Family,

Wishing you all a very auspicious Navratri, 9 Night Shakti Festival!

Navratri is a powerful time in the Yogic calendar to explore and celebrate the infinite potential of the Divine feminine, Shakti in the Universe - also manifesting within us as Kundalini Energy.

It is not only a time for celebration but also a profound opportunity for introspection—activating our deeper Soul purpose and allowing for inner reprogramming. 

The word Navratri comes from the Sanskrit words "Nav" (नव) meaning nine and "Ratri" (रात्रि) meaning night - and is dedicated to honoring Durga and her symbolic manifestations.

Commencing straight after the ancestral period, this year it is taking place from the 3rd of October, culminating in Dussehra, or Vijayadasami, on the 12th of October.

During these sacred days, we are invited to clear away the habits through which we self-sabotage and repeat past unhelpful patterns, in order to redirect our fragmented energy back towards our Soul Purpose.

It is a time of inner focus, releasing fear and ego, renewing Sankalp Shakti and aligning with a higher calling - allowing us to move forward with clarity and strength.

Join us with your loved ones for our FREE Navratri Community Satsangh on the ninth day of Navratri.

A special Sadhana session where Dr. Yogrishi and Prakashini Ji will guide us through a Chakra Meditation and stories from the Devi Mahatmyam.

Friday 11th October 2024. 

USA (Pacific Time): 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
USA & Canada (Eastern Time): 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Europe: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 
UK: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
India: 7:30 PM - 8.30 PM


1) Online: We will be hosting this session virtually on Akhanda Yoga Online and Zoom. 

Join on Akhanda Yoga Online: https://akhandayogaonline.com/programs/live-ftslcemjctq

Join on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83925898571?pwd=Enja9VaeSxWu99ojb7yM6JnZ0HHchd.1 

2) In-Person: For those that are in India and able to join us in person, the session will be broadcasted live from Anand Prakash Yoga Ashram.



Oct 03 at 06:36 AM

👉 Listen to Dr. Yogrishi Vishvketu's Playlist today on Spotify.

At the Akhanda Yoga Institute we love music and we want to share that love with you. Over 4 hours of beautiful music to enjoy with yoga and life.

Listen to Dr. Yogrishi Vishvketu's playlist today while practising yoga, commuting to work, enjoying time with family, cooking a meal, relaxing or however you love listening to music.

Listen Now On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6Bg8OYgiErY2ZhEpg2UkCe?si=b0jpZAKgTaePdaInPJxqIg&pi=a-9UJAJ59lSJSy



Sep 26 at 11:47 PM

🌟 Build a Happy, Healthy Immune System! 🌟

As flu season approaches, there’s no better time to prioritize your wellness! Join Dr. Yogrishi Vishvketu in this invaluable video series, Building a Happy Healthy Immune System, designed to enhance your body’s natural defenses and promote overall well-being.

This series features:

  • Yogic Throat and Nasal Cleansing: Clear your respiratory pathways and breathe easier.

  • Yoga Postures for an Immune Boost: Energize your body with poses that strengthen immunity.

  • Clear, Charge, and Soothe Your Respiratory System: Find balance and clarity in your breathing.

  • Yoga Nidra for Deep Relaxation: Restore your energy and find inner peace.

  • Meditation as Deep Relaxation: Cultivate mindfulness and reduce stress.

  • Healing Foods: Discover nourishing foods that support your immune system.

Watch Now Here: https://akhandayogaonline.com/programs/bhhi

Enjoy this journey towards a happier, healthier you. ✨ We’d love to hear how you get on—comment below to share your experience 


Sep 20 at 12:31 AM

We are incredibly excited to officially release the tickets for the Akhanda Yoga Festival—March 1st - March 9th, 2025!

This is an incredible opportunity to gather as a global community in-person, retreating in nature to experience the profound benefits of practicing Yoga daily in community.

Join us to elevate and celebrate with 9 days of Yoga, growth, connection, healing, rejuvenation, breakthroughs, new friends, eye-opening specialized workshops, & most importantly… FUN!

This nine-day celebration, will be held the new Akhanda Yoga Sri Jungle Ashram. Nestled 27 km from Rishikesh into the serene foothills of the Himalayas, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

A once in a life time sacred gathering in the heart of the Himalayas to celebrate Dr. Yogrishi Vishvketu's 25-years anniversary of Akhanda Yoga, the launch of Haldi Rani, and the official opening grand opening of the new Akhanda Yoga Sri Jungle Ashram. 

Elevate and inspire your mind, body and soul with this life-enriching Yoga festival. An immersive full program with everything you need including daily Yoga, Meditation, Pranayama, Yoga Nidra, daily specialized workshops, Kirtan, ecstatic dance, Satsang, Ayurvedic food and beautiful inspiring accommodations.

We can't wait to welcome you there! 😊

Book Now >>> https://akhandayoga.com/products/yoga-festival



Aug 28 at 05:36 AM

Sacred Chants September 2024

Namaste Akhanda Yoga Online Family!

We're super excited to announce the Sacred Chants: Sunday Chanting and Fire Puja for September 🎉

September 8th | Register Here:


August 15th | Register Here:


August 22nd | Register Here:


August 29th | Register Here:


We hope you see you there 😊🙏🧡



Aug 28 at 05:33 AM

Wisdom Waves September 2024

Namaste Akhanda Yoga Online Family!

We're super excited to announce the Wisdom Waves: Saturday Satsanghs for September 🎉

September 7th | Register Here:


August 14th | Register Here:


August 21st | Register Here:


August 28th | Register Here:


We hope you see you there 😊🙏🧡



Aug 28 at 05:25 AM

Live Classes September 2024

Namaste Akhanda Yoga Online Family!

We're super excited to announce the live classes for September 🎉

September 4th | Register Here: https://akhandayogaonline.com/programs/live-80jit9deuxu

August 11th | Register Here: https://akhandayogaonline.com/programs/live-itoth8eekau

August 18th | Register Here: https://akhandayogaonline.com/programs/live-jlv-fjrhzng

August 25th | Register Here: https://akhandayogaonline.com/programs/live-zqi2ckls08q

We hope you see you there 😊🙏🧡



Aug 21 at 06:54 AM

During our session, Vishvaji beautifully described the meaning of the word Ashram.  

An Ashram is not just a physical space but a place where people come together to do work—both outer and inner work. It is a sanctuary for deep personal and collective growth, a place where the attitude of humility, Seva and Oneness is the objective of the practice.

Vishvaji and Prakashiniji also explored the concept of Ashramas of Yogic Living with us, which outlines the traditional phases of life generally dedicated to particular Dharmas (duties in this context).

In modern life, we may experience these phases in different sequences, intermittently dipping into different phases, or even fusions of them. The Ashramas offer a traditional framework for understanding the different stages of life and the dharmic responsibilities we embrace at each stage.

Here’s a brief look at each:

  • Brahmacharya (Student Life): A time of dedicated learning and self-study, where one conserves energy for personal growth and spiritual development and abstains from relationship distractions.

  • Grihastha (Housedweller Life): A period of supporting familial relations, a household and material activities, where one balances worldly responsibilities and material expansion with spiritual expansion.

  • Vanaprastha (Retreating to ‘Forest’ Life): A stage of gradually withdrawing from material and family-focused services to focus on the Seva (serving) of collective wellbeing. Allowing the next generation to become independent and take care of their own material needs while transitioning to the ‘forest’ of collective wellbeing.

  • Sannyasa (Renouncing Worldly Life): A phase of internal detachment from all worldly activities, with the understanding that one will eventually lay down and everything in this Circle of Life will eventually come to an end.

These stages provide a roadmap for navigating life’s journey with purpose and balance, honoring the spiritual responsibilities that align with each phase.

It was eye-opening to discuss how these traditional concepts resonate with us within our community today, and we look forward to continuing these deep explorations and additional related topics with you.

Love and Light, authored by Prakashiniji✨️🙏