Yulia Machalaba

Dec 13 at 05:25 PM

Namaskar, Divine Jot! I think nobody has noticed and probably wont paying most attention on the practice itself, maybe no need to correct :) Hari Om Thank You for your time and effort!!! P.S. every practice from AkhandaYoga is precious, love all of them!!!

Dec 10 at 04:50 PM

Namaste Dear Anant, i started practicing for Muladhara, in the begining its titled as "Swadhisthana", i checked the Swadhisthana practice, same title which is correct, and looked at the Manipura; the Manipura is titled correctly as "Manipura". ONly the video for Muladhara needs to be corrected (the title in the begining, instead of "Swadhistha" - Muladhara) Hari Hari Om will keep practicing, thank you for your hard work!!! :)

Dec 09 at 07:33 PM

Namaskar, the video is titled as "Swadhistana", however, its the first root chakra Muladhara :) Hari Om

Aug 06 at 02:08 PM

Suffering with migraines for 30 years..will keep practicing this meditation, i know it will help! very grateful to Vishva ji for each of his teaching!!!

Aug 02 at 05:30 PM

Very calming practice! AHAM BRAHMASMI!